Recap of Last Week's Events:
Obviously the biggest news is the founding of our new compant CHINCE TECHNOLOGIES. One branch of that being the clothing line known as Chince Snowboards. For more information see the page deticated to CHINCE SNOWBOARDS.
So it all began with a quick version of eLOPEZ which some people thought was a joke while others were somewhat angry. Well, sorry for those we offended. And to those who thought it was a joke, WAKE UP! Now we are here with our most legit version of eLOPEZ ever. So how about a recap.
Thanksgiving went well. Bird Boy spent some time on the slopes near his Park City home. The Real Dilly stayed st his house in Orem watching edited R-rated movies and dreaming of his girlfriend. Thee Doctor MD stayed here in the Valley with Rasta. Captain Kirk and Judge Wapner flew back to Cali, ate some In-nOut burger, got snowboarding supplies and basically just represented the way life should be. El Guapo went to St. George with his family. He brought with him a charming young lady. Can anyone blame him? Taco came to The Valley and kicked with reletives and with gangstas. For anyone interested he has a hot cousin named Katie. Actually Bird Boy, Taco, Snut and Captain Kirk had some ladies come to Park City. We bought some Henry Winehards, some IBC, and some Stewarts and sapped. We watched a movie up there and some people stayed the night only to go to The Canyons the next day.
The week shcool resumed was actually quite eventful. There is no need to go into full detail because a short summary will do. As far as Relationships go here is the LO-DOWN. Jim has restored his relationship with Erin. Matt and Lyndsey are doing there thang when and where they want with total disregaurd for roommates. Spencer disappears on a nightly basis only to reappear some where between 12:00-1:00 a.m. We can only assume that he is with either Melanie or the mistress he mentions every so often. Robb and Dalee are going strong. Robb will all of a sudden show up in Provo to vistit his woman and the rest of us won't even know he is here. Again can you blame him? Mark and Bethany are on a little hiatus. As for the rest of the guys, we are available. (for the ladies who may be interested;)
As you can see there has been quite a bit of action lately. If you don't believe it ask Captain Kirk he will tell you that "yes there has been some action."
TOP GUN: David Beck Wins, Caleb Reeve loses, there was no Top Gunning at all.
Upcoming Events:
SCHOOL IS OUT FROM DEC. 15- JAN.8, 2001FOR BYU AND DEC.15-JAN.3, 2001 FOR UVSC. ENJOY YOUR VACATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AUGUST 11-21-2001 a trip is planned for Puerto Vallerta, Mexico. If you are down and haven't told anyone contact Robb MacDonald via email through the Lopez Members page.
There are a few trips planned for the months of January, Febuary and possibly March. Our destinations include the Following: Rexburg, ID, Prince's cabins in Colorado, and Las Vegas, NV..
Weekly Trips to The Canyons are expected. If you want to ride with us give us a call @ 370-3188. Snowboarding trips elsewhere in The Valley will be taken at will.
Dave Beck's 22nd Birthday is January 5th. So hopefully there will be a PAR-TAY
Mark and Rasta Will be moving to OLD MILL apartments in provo on DEC. 20th.
Spencer is going to steal Melanie's purse to reclaim what is rightfully his. Actually no, he's on his way to Melanie's house in Florida(to do some of his own special recounts.)